ab0ve average gr0wth
Lloyd John
2006-02-07 01:42:00 UTC
Daily Market Profile

Profile d: Dark Dynamite Inc.
Se ct0r: Consumer Goods
Symb 0l: D K D Y
OPEN: $1.67
Last Tra de: $1.65
IND ICATOR: Strong Buy

Big News Release Expected Tuesday Volume Jumps 88%

Su mmary
DKDY's news releases have pushed the stock over 240% in just the last
45 days. With no news and a steady hold on price for the last couple
weeks, investors have been waiting to see what is happening with its
new contracts.

Rumors began circulating Friday concerning a news break for Tuesday
and the rumors have continued today. For those of you who got on board
today or have been holding on to your shares, from the 88% jump in volume
today, we can tell you are excited to find out how D K D Y will take
off tomorrow.

Recent Headli nes:

{Dark Dynamite Announces Large-scale Outdoor Qin Dynasty Cultural Dinner
Show to be Held Through Cooperation with Guangzhou Greentree Financial
Group Inc. (PRN)

{Increased Tourist Numbers Expected with Completion of the Western 3rd
Round City Highway, Connecting to Qin E-Pang Palace (PRN)


DKDY has held its own in the open of 2006 and provided great returns for
investors. Its upcoming events in April and increased exposure in the
market have helped it step up to a solid player in the OTC.

Recomend ation:

Read the news and review the numbers. All we can say is each time this
company has released news the price and volume JUMPS and the investors
make fantastic returns. If you did not get in on DKDY today get in on
it first thing before the news hits the market.

Good Tradin g
